
Compare & Contrast: Huawei P10 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 Specs Comparison

The Huawei P10 and P10 Plus are currently available in Malaysia, while the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ are currently available for pre-order. Well, if you are still thinking which phone to get, we have prepared a comparison of the specs.

*Disclaimer: This comparison is based on the specs of the devices only, we didn’t do any real life testing.

As you can see from the comparison above, the Huawei P10 and P10 Plus actually have advantages in terms of pricing, camera, and battery capacity. However, do note that this comparison is just based on the specs, we can’t 100% confirm that the P10 is better in terms of camera and battery life, but the specs on paper seem promising.

Here, we conclude as below:

P10/P10 Plus over S8/S8+

  • Lower prices (RM2,499 vs RM3,299 | RM3,099 vs RM3,699)
  • P10 Plus has 6GB RAM and 128GB storage compared to S8+ with only 4GB RAM and 64GB storage
  • Newer camera technology, the S8 and S8+ have the same camera as the S7 and S7 edge
  • Bigger battery capacity with faster charging speed
  • Front under-glass fingerprint sensor, the S8 and S8+ have a rear fingerprint sensor but it’s not in an ideal position because the fingerprint sensor isn’t located at the center, users can be mistakenly touched the camera lens as the fingerprint sensor

S8/S8+ over P10/P10 Plus

  • Infinity Screen: Bigger screen, yet the sizes of both devices are about the same as the P10 and P10 Plus (large screen-to-body ratio); Higher screen resolution
  • Latest and better processor (Exynos 8895) with 10nm process, which means more power efficient
  • IP68 water and dust resistance
  • Iris scanner
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